Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School

I had a bit of time to work on some drawings while the kids were on summer vacation - I'm hoping to kick myself into gear now that they're back at school.  It's been a full, chaotic summer, only to be replaced with extreme busyness as school and all fall activities start up again. I feel ready and energized for all that is to come!

I have a ton of ideas for more drawings floating around in my head.  It seems the more I create, the more ideas I generate.  It feels good to be creative.  For now, a preview of some additional work:

Mr Owl for Elsa's bedroom.  I am planning a turtle for Liam and a whale or butterfly for Lauren.

A drawing I did for a friend's husband - I hope he likes it!

More detail.
Be back soon - with hopefully more to share!  xo

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A little preview...

This looks crooked, but I assure you, in real life it's straight.  Note to self: work on photography skills.

Here is a sampling of my most recent work.  I need to get my Etsy shop up and running - pretty bad timing with summer vacation starting tomorrow, but I'm determined to get going on this!  Stay tuned for more!  Both drawings are colored pencil on archival paper, approximately 11x16 inches.